We developed our Tier Certifications over 30 years ago as a way to measure how well a data center can meet the needs of an organization. Depuis lors, ces certifications ont obtenu une reconnaissance mondiale et constituent une marque d’excellence unique pour les entreprises très performantes. With organization-specific, component-level and performance-based evaluations and an extremely thorough, unbiased site visit, few programs can match the caliber of assessment offered by Uptime Institute.
We have issued over 3 500 certifications in over 118 countries — a testament to the level of global respect that Tier Certification has achieved as an industry standard for design, construction and operations. From rural to urban and everything in between, organizations worldwide see the value of an issued Tier Certification. Check out the map below to see exactly where data center certifications were issued.
If a business has a data center Tier Certification awarded to them, it shows that they have reached a higher level of performance. The data center has been verified as standing up to real-world challenges and reaching the requirements of the organization.
Tier Certification offers many benefits, including: