
Webinar: Annual Outage Analysis 2021 – Causes and Impacts (Webinar in German)

Presentation Title:
Annual Outage Analysis 2021 – Causes and Impacts (Webinar in German)

Frank Zachmann, Uptime Institute
Andy Lawrence, Uptime Institute

The impact and cost of outages is growing, and remains a major industry concern in spite of improving technology and better management of availability. Join us for a lively discussion about the changing causes of outages - from software and IT configuration issues, network and power issues, and human error. We will also cover innovation and investment in cloud-based and distributed resiliency which may have helped reduce the impact of site-level failures, but possibly introduced error-prone complexity as well.

Join us for a discussion about the changing cause of outages – from software and IT configuration issues, network and power issues, and human error.

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