
Webinar: It’s Time to Commit to Driving Efficient IT

Join Julian Kudritzki, COO of Uptime Institute to explore the modern business challenges associated with delivering computing services in the new era of Cloud-driven IT. He will cover delivering these business services at the right cost, with a high level of efficiency and a keen eye on defending corporate sustainability. Uptime Institute’s Efficient IT assessment provides a management methodology that evaluates, scores, and benchmarks Leadership, IT Infrastructure, and the Data Center.

Find out how this approach ensures close scrutiny, and eliminating waste, from data center power and cooling systems; the asset management of compute, storage, network; and—weighed most heavily—the leadership (i.e., energy management plan, technology adoption plan, cloud strategy, KPIs). Uptime Institute’s Efficient IT customers realize dramatic long-term savings in operational expenditures, significant increased asset utilization as well as directly support a strategic corporate responsibility profile. The Efficient IT Assessment is based on multiple decades of research and protocol development and for our Efficient IT customers, have identified cost savings between 3x-200x the cost of the assessment.

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