
Webinar: LinkedIn's Oregon Data Center: Innovation, Design and Sustainability

This is a recording of a presentation at Uptime Institute's Executive Symposium: Las Vegas in 2017.

Presentation Title:
LinkedIn's Oregon Data Center: Innovation, Design and Sustainability

Brad Peterson, Manager of Data Center Engineering, LinkedIn

In this presentation, Brad Peterson, Manager of Data Center Engineering at LinkedIn discusses why the way LinkedIn designs its IT environments and data center operations is crucial to the rapidly growing needs of the world’s digital infrastructure.

In his presentation, Mr. Peterson covers:

  • The environmental impact of enterprise IT and data center facilities around the world
  • Five key components of LinkedIn data center site selection (Sustainability, Design, Electricity, Cooling and Reporting)
  • LinkedIn's usage of innovative data center infrastructure designs (electrical systems, cooling systems, distribution, etc.)
  • How LinkedIn incorporates corporate values such as "Take Intelligent Risk" into data center design and operations decisions
  • Why LinkedIn pursued Uptime Institute's Efficient IT Stamp of Approval as a means of driving continuous improvement

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